Three-week lockdown introduced in Kyiv from March 20

Severe quarantine restrictions in Kyiv, which will take effect on Saturday night, include a ban on religious services and public events.
On the night of Saturday, March 20, 2021, a strict lockdown until April 9 is introduced in Kyiv. This was announced during an emergency briefing on March 18 by the mayor of the capital, Vitali Klitschko.
The speech of the mayor on the situation with the incidence of COVID in Kyiv was broadcast on the YouTube channel of the Kyiv City State Administration
According to Vitali Klitschko, the decision to introduce strict quarantine restrictions in the capital was made by the TEB and Emergency Commission of the Kyiv City Council at an extraordinary meeting.
So, from this weekend in Kyiv, there will be prohibited:
- the work of cultural institutions (cinemas, theatres, museums, concert halls);
- the work of shopping and entertainment centres (except for grocery stores, pharmacies, pet stores, stores selling hygiene products and household chemicals);
- conducting religious services (if the area of the premises is not less than 10 square meters per 1 person);
- holding mass events (entertainment, sports, cultural, advertising, etc.);
- the presence of spectators at sporting events.
In addition, for the next three weeks, catering establishments in the capital will be able to work only for take-out. Gas stations will remain open (subject to strict rules and cafes will not work), hairdressers and beauty salons will work by appointment, fitness and gyms will operate without group training.
Kindergartens will continue to work, but after the holidays, schoolchildren will switch to distance learning. Also, all enterprises and organizations of the public sector and, as much as possible, private business (except for enterprises of critical infrastructure) should switch to remote operation.
Public transport will continue to operate in the capital as usual, in compliance with strict standards for the carriage of passengers (with occupancy of seats up to 50%) and mask regime.
As reported, on March 21, the first Sunday of Great Lent, the Church celebrates the Triumph of Orthodoxy. Earlier, the Primate of the UOC gave his blessing to hold religious processions and prayer standings, traditional for the Day of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, in eparchial centres, taking into account the epidemic situation.