UOC priest with many children turns to court due to OCU's eviction attempts

10 October 21:06
Archpriest Oleh Tsaruk. Photo: Screenshot from video by Khmelnytskyi Eparchy Archpriest Oleh Tsaruk. Photo: Screenshot from video by Khmelnytskyi Eparchy

Father Oleh Tsaruk was forced to file a complaint with the appellate court due to threats from OCU activists to evict his family.

Archpriest Oleh Tsaruk, a cleric of the Khmelnytskyi of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), filed a complaint with the Krasyliv District Court in Khmelnytsky region on October 10, in response to threats from activists of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) to forcibly evict his family from their home in the village of Mytyntsi in Khmelnytsky district. This was reported by the press service of the Khmelnytskyi Eparchy.

"Since supporters of the OCU are unjustifiably attempting to evict Father Oleh along with his wife and four minor children from their residence, the lawsuit has been filed to protect the rights of the entire Tsaruk family," the statement reads.

The plaintiffs – Archpriest Oleh Tsaruk and his wife Olha – are requesting that the court issue a ruling requiring the OCU religious community not to create obstacles for them and their four minor children in using the house, where they legally reside based on a rental agreement for the residential premises. The priest also calls for the annulment of the unlawful removal of his entire family from the registration at their place of residence.

"The lawsuit draws the court's attention to the fact that, in accordance with the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, as well as the European Convention on Human Rights, it is strictly forbidden to deprive a person of housing without providing alternative accommodation," the Khmelnytsky Diocese concludes.

As reported by the UOJ, Archpriest Oleh Tsaruk is responsible for the care of four young children, one of whom suffered a severe injury in an accident and requires constant assistance. However, after the illegal takeover of the St. Nicholas Church in the village of Mytyntsi, the eviction attempts targeted the UOC parish priest who had lived there for a long time, carried out major repairs on the property, and is raising his four children. Archpriest Oleh Tsaruk has no other housing.

The latest attempt by the OCU to forcibly evict the priest's family from their home was reported by the Khmelnytskyi Eparchy on October 7.

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