Individuals who stormed UOC cathedral in Cherkasy identified

22 October 10:35
Storming of the UOC Cathedral in Cherkasy. Photo: UOJ Storming of the UOC Cathedral in Cherkasy. Photo: UOJ

The assault on the UOC cathedral in Cherkasy involved radicals from several organizations and cities.

MP Artem Dmytruk stated on his Telegram channel that the seizure of the St. Michael's Cathedral of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) in Cherkasy involved territorial defense units and radical organizations. According to him, the following groups were involved in the attack:

  • Servicemen of the 118th Territorial Defense Brigade;
  • Radicals from Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi (Cherkasy region), who also call themselves Territorial Defense. The group, according to the deputy, was led by Oleh Kasianenko, who regularly participates in other seizures of UOC churches;
  • Right-wing radicals from the "Osnova Maybutnoho" ("Foundation of the Future" – Trans.) organization, led by Yevhen Karas. According to the deputy, one of the members of this organization, Davyd Pshenychnyi, shot at believers in the cathedral;
  • The "Smilianska Sotnia" organization, whose members not only participated in the seizure but also provided security for the cathedral after its takeover;
  • Radicals from other regions of Ukraine, including Kyiv.

Dmytruk emphasized that the criminal actions of all participants were documented, and each will be held accountable.

As reported by the UOJ, on October 17, 2024, representatives of the OCU seized the UOC cathedral in Cherkasy.

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