Patriarchate of Alexandria clerics cut off water for Tanzanian community

15 February 2022 00:26
Patriarchate of Alexandria clerics cut off water for Tanzanian community

According to the Exarch for Africa, the clerics of the Patriarchate of Alexandria cut off the water and quit helping seriously ill children in Sokoine village, Tanzania.

Metropolitan Leonid, Patriarchal Exarch for Africa of the Russian Orthodox Church, wrote in his Telegram channel that in the village of Sokoine, Tanzania, the clerics of the Alexandrian Orthodox Church cut off access to water and caused a humanitarian crisis in the village with a view to returning the parishioners back to the Church of Alexandria.

“There are a lot of things I can’t wrap my head around. Draw your own conclusions. God help us all!" noted the hierarch.

Archpriest Andrey Novikov visited Sokoine village and the local Orthodox mixed Maasai-Tanzanian community, led by Priest Christopher Kasiani Mwendele.

There was a gathering of a large number of not only Orthodox members of the community, but also other local residents, among whom Fr Christopher is doing missionary work. First, a common prayer in Swahili was offered, followed by the story about the Russian Orthodox Church. Father Andrey handed out crosses and icons to the present.

Priest Christopher Kasiani Mwendele told the members of the missionary group that there was a spacious church in the village, where the Orthodox inhabitants of Sokoine used to gather for worship until they were evicted by representatives of the Patriarchate of Alexandria.

Knowing the plight of the population, the local bishop of the Church of Alexandria tried to bribe the parishioners by delivering sacks of seeds and flour to Sokoine so that the believers would “change their minds” and return to him.

After the community unanimously rejected the "grease", the Alexandrian clerics blocked access to the only well with clean water in the village, which is located at the temple. They stated that access to water will be only for those who continue to go to the church of the Patriarchate of Alexandria. They also stopped providing medicines to two seriously ill children from local Orthodox families.

“A real humanitarian crisis broke out in the village. The parishioners and residents requested the Russian Orthodox Church to assist with providing clean water, opening a medical center, and a comprehensive school,” said Metropolitan Leonid.

As the UOJ reported, orphanages in Africa, organized by priests who spoke out against the OCU, were deprived of assistance.

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