Foreign parishes of the UOC send humanitarian aid to Ukraine

В зарубежных приходах УПЦ постоянно совершаются молебны о прекращении войны в Украине.
In foreign parishes of the UOC, prayers are constantly offered for the end of the war in Ukraine.
Parishes of the UOC abroad help refugees from Ukraine and people who suffered as a result of hostilities in Ukraine, reports the press service of the Synodal Department for External Church Relations of the UOC.
The Ukrainian Orthodox parish of St. Spyridon of Trimythous in the suburbs of Lisbon (Portugal), led by the rector priest Vitaly Gorzov, is preparing to receive refugees from Ukraine. The parishioners of the temple collected and sent two batches of charitable aid to Ukraine.
The rector of the Russian Orthodox parish in Forte dei Marmi (Italy), priest John Malysh, and the parishioners of the temple collected and sent the first batch of humanitarian aid to Ukraine and are actively collecting the second batch.
Priest John Sukhoniak, rector of the Russian Orthodox parish of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos in Hamburg (Germany) and parishioners of the church also sent humanitarian aid to Ukraine.
Priest Yaroslav Strelets, the rector of the Ukrainian Orthodox parish of St. Spyridon of Trimythous in Pisa (Italy) together with parishioners are preparing the first batch of humanitarian aid for delivery.
In these parishes, prayers are constantly offered for the end of the war in Ukraine and the onset of peace, for the health of Ukrainian soldiers.
As previously reported, humanitarian aid from the Chernivtsi Eparchy will be distributed in Kyiv.