UOC fears increase in religious hatred due to strengthening of "EU" party

04 November 2020 00:19
Archpriest Alexander Bakhov. Photo: mosvedi.ru Archpriest Alexander Bakhov. Photo: mosvedi.ru

The UOC suggested if the deputies from the Poroshenko party pursues the policy of the previous government on the religious issue, this will only worsen the situation.

On November 3, 2020, the head of the Legal Department of the UOC, Archpriest Alexander Bakhov, said that due to representatives of the “European Solidarity” party coming to power at the local level, the UOC fears an aggravation of religious enmity, reports the Telegram channel PavlovskyNews.

According to the priest, after local elections, politicians in some regions may play a "religious card". We are talking about deputies from those political forces who, even during the previous government, did not hesitate to intervene in religious issues and violate the rights of the UOC, its believers and communities. The clergyman singled out the "European Solidarity" party among such political forces.

The head of the Legal Department of the UOC said that in the Rivne region, which is actually the leader in the ranking of regions where the religious issue is especially tough, "EU" candidates won a landslide victory. According to the priest, this fact can play not in favour of the UOC.

Priest Alexander Bakhov said that the deputies from this political force will pursue the policy of their party on the religious issue, which will only worsen the situation.

As reported earlier, the UOC commented on Epiphany's demand for the authorities to protect the OCU.

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