Estonian authorities want to deprive EOC of all immovable property

The reason for economic sanctions for the EOC was the document adopted in Moscow at the congress of the World Russian People's Council.
The Estonian Parliament is discussing the possibility of depriving the Estonian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate of all its real estate, according to the Postimees website.
The reason for economic sanctions against the EOC is a document adopted in Moscow at the congress of the World Russian People's Assembly.
"A tenant (the Estonian Orthodox Church, which leased 15 buildings from the state for 50 years) must vacate the premises due to unethical behavior and cease its anti-Estonian activities," said Estonian MP from the "Homeland" party Ahti Kallikorm, who believes that the EOC is engaged in collaborationism.
The question of economic impact that MPs want to apply to the EOC became acute after the congress of the World Russian People's Council held in Moscow on March 27, where a document was adopted containing statements that Russia's war against Ukraine is sacred, and after its end, the country should enter the zone of exclusive political influence of the Russian Federation.
As the UOJ reported, Estonian authorities invited the bishop of the EOC for explanations regarding the WRPC's decision.