UOC Primate: Day of Baptism of Rus’ – day of spiritual birth of our people

27 July 2021 15:59
Блаженнейший Митрополит Онуфрий. Фото: news.church.ua Блаженнейший Митрополит Онуфрий. Фото: news.church.ua

On the Day of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, the Baptist of Rus, we rejoice that he accomplished such a holy and great deed, said His Beatitude Onuphry.

On the day of remembrance of Saint Prince Vladimir and the celebration of the 1033rd anniversary of the Baptism of Rus’, the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kyiv and All Ukraine, explained why this day is also called the day of the spiritual birth of our people. The Primate's commentary before the beginning of the prayer service on the Vladimir Hill in Kyiv was broadcast live on the “Nash” TV channel.

“Saint Vladimir was the prince of all Ancient Rus’, the capital of which was the city of Kyiv, and the Holy Prince Vladimir warmed and cherished the word of the Gospel evangelism brought to our land by the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called,” the Primate told reporters. “Under the Holy Prince Vladimir, this seed gave the greatest harvest, so we call this day the birthday of our people, the spiritual birth of our people.”

His Beatitude Onuphry explained that "the people knew God, who is love, who came to earth and opened the doors of paradise for man".

“And our people became great, noble, beautiful. From a proud people, it became a God-loving one who knows its Creator, the great God, the Creator of the universe. And today we rejoice that the Holy Prince Vladimir accomplished such a holy and great deed, and we honour his memory,” said the UOC Primate and wished that God bless everyone with the prayers of the Holy Prince Vladimir.

As reported, on July 27, on the Vladimir Hill in Kyiv, a prayer service led by the Primate of the UOC was performed, after which a cross procession set off for the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. 

The UOJ is live streaming the 2021 Great Cross Procession online.

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