Serbian Patriarch congratulates UOC Primate on his ordination anniversary

10 December 10:14
Serbian Patriarch Porfirije. Photo: Serbian Patriarch Porfirije. Photo:

"We pray that the Lord strengthens you in your noble service for the salvation of the pious people entrusted to you," wrote the Primate of the Serbian Church.

On December 9, the Primate of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Porfirije, congratulated His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kyiv and All Ukraine on the 34th anniversary of his episcopal ordination. According to the UOC press service, the Holy Patriarch sent his congratulations on behalf of the entire fullness of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

"In your faithful service to the God-saved flock, we recognize the image of the good shepherd, and we pray to the Lord to strengthen you in your noble service, that you may continue this great work, granting you peace, health, and strength in everything you do for His glory and for the good and salvation of the pious people entrusted to you," the message stated.

The Serbian Patriarch added, "With prayer in my heart and on my lips for peace to come soon to your much-suffering homeland, I proclaim: Many blessed years!"

Earlier, the UOJ reported that the head of the Czech Church congratulated His Beatitude on the anniversary of his episcopal ordination.

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