Synod of UOC urges to stop bloodshed between brotherly peoples

28 February 2022 17:09
Synod of UOC urges to stop bloodshed between brotherly peoples

The UOC has appealed to the Presidents of Ukraine and the Russian Federation to do everything possible to stop the bloodshed.

The Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church called on Ukrainians to intensify their prayers and unite around the defence of the Homeland and the authorities of Ukraine and the Russian Federation to do everything to put an end to the sin of armed confrontation between the two fraternal peoples. The appeal of the Synod of February 28, 2022, was published by the UOC Information and Education Department.

The UOJ presents a full text of the appeal.

Beloved in Christ, Your Eminences, Fathers, Brothers and Sisters!

Dear Ukrainian people!

With sorrow and pain, we are experiencing the fact that war has come to our native Ukrainian land. Severe trials have befallen all of us. Fighting between the troops of the Russian Federation and the Armed Forces of Ukraine continues almost throughout Ukraine, soldiers and civilians are dying, the number of refugees is growing. Putting nuclear weapons on high alert in general calls into question the future existence of humanity and the world at large. In such a difficult situation, we call on everyone to be courageous, to enhance prayer and unite around the defence of our Homeland.

Addressing all our defenders today, we want to testify that we honour you and pray for you because you risking your lives sacrificially truly testify how one can fulfil the words of our Lord Jesus Christ: Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends (John 15:13).

For our part, we once again confirm that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church has always supported and continues to support the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. We fully share the pain and suffering of our people. In these challenging times, fervent prayers are offered in all the churches and monasteries of our Church for an end to the war and the restoration of peace in Ukraine. With the blessing of His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry, eparchies and monasteries provide comprehensive assistance to refugees and all those who suffered as a result of hostilities. Our temples are open around the clock for those who need protection from shelling. Every day, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is expanding its mission to help all those in need.

Realizing our special spiritual responsibility, today we address His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia. Your Holiness! We ask you to intensify your prayer for the long-suffering Ukrainian people, to say your First Hierarch’s Word on the cessation of fratricidal bloodshed in Ukrainian land and call on the leadership of the Russian Federation to immediately stop hostilities that are already threatening to turn into a world war.

We also appeal to President of Ukraine Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. On behalf of the multi-million flock of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, we ask you to do everything possible to put an end to the sin of armed confrontation between our two fraternal peoples and start the negotiation process. This terrible war has already dealt a heavy blow to relations between the Ukrainian and Russian peoples. If the bloodshed is not stopped, the gap between our peoples may remain forever.

Ukrainian people, brothers and sisters! We hope that common sense will prevail and this war will end soon. We ask each of you to keep peace among yourselves and not give in to provocations. Help one another, take care of one another. It is also important to incite enmity among yourselves. Only in unity is our strength. We pray the Lord to enlighten the rulers with the light of His grace. We believe that the merciful Lord will accept our prayer work and forgive us our sins. And in the near future, the peace of God will once again reign in our blessed Ukrainian land!”

As earlier reported, the Primate of the UOC in Feofaniya prayed for the long-suffering Ukrainian people.

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