Ukraine enters US-established Alliance for Protection of Religious Freedom

06 February 2020 20:00
The International Alliance for the Protection of Religious Freedom is created In the United States. Photo: The International Alliance for the Protection of Religious Freedom is created In the United States. Photo:

The countries that intend to promote religious freedom along with America also include Georgia, Bulgaria, the Baltic countries and many other states.

On February 5, in Washington DC, Ukraine acceded to the International Alliance for the Protection of Religious Freedom created by the United States. This was reported by RIA Novosti.

In addition to the USA and Ukraine, the new organization was joined by Austria, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Brazil, Great Britain, Hungary, Gambia, Greece, Georgia, Israel, Kosovo which is recognized by several countries, Colombia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Senegal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Togo, Croatia, Czech Republic and Estonia.

“The creation of the alliance is the first example in history when an international coalition is created at the level of national leaders in order to advance the issue of religious freedom around the world,” said US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, under whose leadership the organization’s first meeting was held.

According to Pompeo, the goal of the United States and the countries that will join them is to "step up efforts and unite like-minded countries to counter the challenges of international religious freedom."

As reported by the UOJ, the US ambassador for the protection of international religious freedom, Sam Brownback, believes that the “right team” for the alliance has been assembled and will achieve its goal, as the United States will now promote religious freedom alongside other allies.

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