Bogdan: You think that "RF" sign on UOC temple will make people leave it?

28 April 2021 19:04
Head of the State Service for Ethnic Policy and Freedom of Conscience. Photo: Head of the State Service for Ethnic Policy and Freedom of Conscience. Photo:

Elena Bogdan commented on the attempt to rename the temples of the UOC and possible implications of this step.

In an interview with Glavcom, the head of the State Service for Ethnopolitics and Freedom of Conscience, Elena Bogdan, said that renaming the UOC temples would not bring the supporters of this measure to the desired result.

According to the official, believers will continue to go to churches, with which they have formed a trusting relationship, regardless of which sign hangs on them.

“In the end, let's imagine that it is renamed, and so the largest network of churches in Ukraine will be dotted with the words ‘Moscow’ or ‘Russia’. The supporters of the renaming believe that in the event of renaming, the overwhelming majority will immediately join a single local Ukrainian Church (OCU – Ed.). However, a completely different scenario is also possible when believers, who have confidence in their priest and their church, will see not the usual ‘UOC’ but the name showing its affiliation with Moscow or Russia on the plate. If a worshiper already has a long-standing positive attitude towards the church, will such a nominal change on the plate contribute to the consolidation of the Ukrainian society? Or vice versa – it will cause turmoil and strengthen the bonds with the aggressor state?" noted Bogdan.

Earlier, the head of the State Service for Ethnopolitics and Freedom of Conscience called the attempt to call the UOC “enemies of Ukraine” inexpedient.

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