Right Sector accuses UOC believers of their going to the “wrong” Church

30 September 2018 00:37
The Right Sector accused the believers of the UOC that they do not go to the The Right Sector accused the believers of the UOC that they do not go to the "normal" Church

Raiders, who seized the Metropolitan Chambers of the UOC Holy Trinity Church in Bogorodchany, explained their actions by the reluctance of the parish to support the SLC.

The Information and Education Department of the UOC published a video in which the right-wing radicals reproach the believers that they do not pass to the "regular Church nor do they support the Local Church."

On September 28 activists from the Right Sector organization seized part of the premises at the Holy Trinity Church in the village of Bogorodchany, Ivano-Frankovsk region and beat up the believers of the UOC. Having broken in, the radicals attacked the parishioners who were inside. As a result, several people were seriously injured – two men with broken arms, one with a concussion. The rector of the temple, father Vladimir Shuvar, was kicked out into the street. Having thus expelled all parishioners, the raiders changed the door locks. The situation around the church remains tense.

The Ivano-Frankovsk eparchy of the UOC called on representatives of the authorities and political organizations, especially in the current difficult and tense time, to peacefully resolve disputable issues of property and other nature, and to stop the aggression against Orthodox Ukrainians.


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