Poroshenko's team send letters to their deputies demanding UOC ban

30 July 17:14
Blocking of the Parliament's rostrum by Poroshenko and his party on July 23 due to the failure to bring bill 8371 to a vote. Photo: Facebook Blocking of the Parliament's rostrum by Poroshenko and his party on July 23 due to the failure to bring bill 8371 to a vote. Photo: Facebook

'European Solidarity' is pressuring MPs through local council deputies.

Local council deputies of the 'European Solidarity' faction are receiving letters with instructions on how to initiate extraordinary sessions at the local level, during which they are to consider an appeal to national MPs, demanding they vote for bill #8371, which effectively bans the UOC.

"The leadership and deputies of the Verkhovna Rada must immediately cease the sabotage and pass the bill to protect against Russian influence in the religious sphere," the appeal states.

At the initiative of European Solidarity deputies, local councils should demand that the leadership of the Verkhovna Rada "immediately stop hindering the absolute will of the majority of the deputies elected by the people of Ukraine."

National representatives are urged to "reject the pressure and intimidation of Russian influence agents, urgently return to the capital and the session hall of the Verkhovna Rada, to finally pass the bill 'On Amending Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding the Activities of Religious Organizations in Ukraine.'"

The appeal claims that this is a matter of national security and that bill #8371 is not aimed at restricting the religious freedom of Ukrainian citizens.

"It does not threaten and cannot threaten any Ukrainian religious communities, except for those which, calling themselves Ukrainian, actually remain part of the Russian Orthodox Church and are used as tools in the hands of the aggressor," the local councils are to tell the MPs.

Furthermore, 'European Solidarity' seems to hint that their leader, Poroshenko, has done the major work, and it is up to the Rada deputies and the President to take the final steps "in the long-standing struggle to free the spiritual life of Ukrainian society from the interference of the Russian aggressor". Deputies only need to conduct the final vote in the parliament, and the President needs to sign the voted law.

"Not taking these steps or continuing to delay them means deliberately working for the enemy, committing treason, and undermining Ukraine's national security. We call on you to confirm with actions, not words, that you are indeed the representatives of the Ukrainian people and act in their interests, not serve the enemy," concludes the proposed appeal.

As the UOJ previously reported, political analyst says the authorities will not gift Poroshenko by passing bill #8371.

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