Greeks rejected it and so will we: OCU comments on adopting Latin alphabet

13 September 2021 21:43
Eustratiy Zoria and Patriarch Bartholomew. Photo: Eustratiy Zoria and Patriarch Bartholomew. Photo:

Eustratiy Zoria is sure that one should be proud of the Cyrillic alphabet, because Ukrainian culture stemmed from it.

On September 12, 2021, the "Archbishop" of the Chernihiv OCU Eustratiy Zoria explained why he did not agree to the idea that Ukraine needed to switch from Cyrillic to Latin.

The "hierarch" of the OCU believes that the Cyrillic alphabet is "our heritage and our alphabet." He noted that "more than a thousand-year Ukrainian culture stemmed from it", and "it is not borrowed, like the Arabic script with the Turks or the Cyrillic alphabet with the Kazakhs."

According to Zoria, having changed the alphabet, the Turks and Kazakhs “changed one borrowing for another”. The Ukrainians, in the opinion of the “hierarch” of the OCU, should not do this, because the Greeks did not do this but retained their alphabet.

“We should keep the Cyrillic alphabet inasmuch as the Greeks, Koreans, Jews, Armenians or Georgians are proud of their own alphabets, and do not change them in favor of the Latin alphabet,” Zoria wrote.

At the same time, the representative of the Ukrainian schismatics is sure that Ukrainians should use Latin transliteration, because “all languages of the world do it.”

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine spoke in favor of abandoning the Cyrillic alphabet.

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