Konotop bishop speaks about eparchy’s life during occupation

26 September 2022 18:40
Konotop bishop speaks about eparchy’s life during occupation

Metropolitan Roman of Konotop and Hlukhiv said that during the occupation people fervently prayed for salvation.

Metropolitan Roman of Konotop and Hlukhov said on the “1Kozak” YouTube channel how the eparchy he leads lived during the war.

According to the bishop, as soon as the town was occupied, people were gripped by fear – tanks and APCs drove through the streets.

"Fighting broke out near the cathedral. However, it all died down. They drove further into the villages, and in a couple of days literally its own life began again in the town of Konotop," said Vladyka Roman.

The Metropolitan added that people did not understand how this could happen and turned to God.

"Spiritually we began to pray more fervently to God, people rushed to temples, even those who had never gone, but then, after a month or two, people relaxed and there were not so many people in temples and there are not now. This is what amazes me the most. Both COVID-19 and the war should have directed people to the idea of turning to God, and not for a month, but to change their lives ‘as befits a Christian’," said the hierarch, adding that, unfortunately, few have actually changed their way of life.

The head of the Konotop Eparchy also said that from the early days of the war the Church helped the needy: charitable food points for the poor worked in all towns, also thanks to donors they managed to buy food and medicine, because shops and pharmacies were empty in the 20s of February.

"With our actions we showed people that they should not lose heart, but should turn to God, they should help their neighbour", stressed the archbishop.

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