Makariy Maletich: Phanar issued Tomos because it was certain of US support

29 June 2019 18:11
US Vice President Joseph Biden and Patriarch Bartholomew. Photo: US Vice President Joseph Biden and Patriarch Bartholomew. Photo:

The head of the UAOC said that diplomats from leading nations of the world, namely the USA, Germany, France and the UK, played a big role in obtaining the Tomos.

The head of the UAOC and “hierarch” of the OCU, Makariy Maletich, claims that unless the Ecumenical Patriarch had enlisted the support of the leading states of the world, he would never have given Tomos to Ukraine. He told about this in an interview with Channel 24.

In particular, Maletich says that even before receiving of the Tomos he warned the initiators of the “Ukrainian autocephaly” that “uniting all the churches into one local is a risky business”.

According to him, “there were many supporters of the local church, but so many were the opponents at the same time. Therefore, Poroshenko paid for it in the elections, when supporters of the Moscow Patriarchate voted against him.”

At the same time, Maletich is compelled to admit that "if it were not for Poroshenko, then there would not be a union of churches."

However, according to the head of the UAOC, “this is not only the merit of Poroshenko, but also of the Verkhovna Rada, the Ukrainians themselves and the “diplomats of the United States, Great Britain, France, and Germany” who were “interested in the church issue”.

Makariy Maletich is convinced that “if the Ecumenical Patriarch had not had the support of the leading states of the world, he would not have done it. And then neither Poroshenko nor Rada, neither Filaret nor I could not have done anything.”

Also, answering the question about Filaret, Makary said: "Let him go on restoring the Kiev Patriarchate... In fact, after he has created another split, Filaret will die being schismatic.”

Earlier, Makariy Maletich stated that the granting of autocephaly to the UOC-KP and the UAOC became possible thanks to the efforts of foreign diplomats: “I know that. The diplomats met with both Filaret and me. There were ambassadors from the USA, Great Britain and others. Meetings were held in order to find out if we are ready to receive the Tomos.”

In addition, at a recent meeting with a State Department representative, Archbishop Elpidophoros of America expressed satisfaction that the US government supports Patriarch Bartholomew.

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