Hierarch of Serbian Church comes to Ukraine on the occasion of Rus Baptism

27 July 2019 02:59
Bishop Arseny of Niš (Glavcic) arrived in Kiev on July 26, 2019. Photo: UOC DECR site Bishop Arseny of Niš (Glavcic) arrived in Kiev on July 26, 2019. Photo: UOC DECR site

The Bishop of the Serbian Orthodox Church was met at the airport by Bishop Tikhon of Gostomel.

On July 26, 2019, the hierarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Bishop Arseny of Niš (Glavcic), arrived at the festivities on the occasion of the 1031th anniversary of Baptism of Rus in Kiev, reported the Department for External Church Relations of the UOC.

At the airport, Bishop Tikhon (Sofiychuk) of Gostomel met His Grace Arseny at the airport.

The UOC DECR website also reported that a representative of the Orthodox Church in the Czech Lands and Slovakia plans to arrive at the celebrations of the Baptism of Rus.

Recall, the UOJ will conduct live updates of the Cross Procession in Kiev, read us on our website.

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