Belarusian Orthodox Church comments on Lukashenko's “anathema”

24 November 2020 15:03
Alexander Lukashenko. Photo: Alexander Lukashenko. Photo:

The BOC called the "excommunication" of the President of Belarus by the head of the Belarusian schismatics in Toronto as canonically invalid.

The head of the Belarusian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, who proclaimed the “anathema” to Lukashenko, is not a bishop and his actions as a “clergyman” are invalid, PavlovskyNews said in the BOC commentary.

The actions of "Archbishop" Sviatoslav Loginin, who "excommunicated" Alexander Lukashenko, are not recognized either in the Belarusian Orthodox Church or in any other Local Church, the BOC representative noted.

Login is the head of a non-canonical structure, not recognized in the Orthodox world. Therefore, there will be no subsequent response to his actions from the leadership of the Belarusian Church.

The BOC suggested that the statement of the schismatics was made to impart significance to them.

The Belarusian Orthodox Church called on both sides to peace and dialogue from the very beginning of the current crisis, the BOC commented on the situation in Belarus.

“We pray that peace and harmony will finally settle in our country,” the letter says.

As the UOJ reported, the head of the “autocephalous church” of Belarus declared an anathema to Lukashenko.

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