Media: In Jaffa, terrorists entered to pray in a mosque, ending in an attack

They pulled weapons out of their backpacks right in the mosque and fired into the air, followed by killing seven people on the streets of the city.
As a result of the terrorist attack in the historic center of Tel Aviv, in the city of Jaffa, on October 1, seven people died and 15 were injured. According to israelinfo, an investigation by Israeli law enforcement revealed that residents of Hebron arrived yesterday through a checkpoint in the Jerusalem area to Jaffa and prayed in the Al-Zahra mosque just before the attack.
Eyewitnesses noted that the young men who entered the mosque had large backpacks, which they left near the restroom. After the prayer, they pulled weapons out of their backpacks, and one of them fired into the air, threatening that no one should dare to go outside.
After that, the terrorists headed toward the light rail station. They entered a carriage, and when the tram stopped, they opened fire on the passengers, then exited and continued shooting at people indiscriminately until they were neutralized on the spot.
Nineteen-year-old Muhammad Masak was killed on the spot, and 25-year-old Ahmad Al-Haimuni was seriously injured. The investigation showed that neither of the terrorists had been previously arrested. It is known that one of them had participated in riots.
As reported previously, in Turkey, a man dressed in clothing with SS symbols hacked a person to death in a mosque with an axe.
بعد مطاردته.. مشاهد توثّق إعدام الاحتلال أحد مُنفذي عملية يافا التي أسفرت عن مقتل 8 إسرائيليين وإصابة 16 آخرين
— حامد العلي (@Hamedalalinew) October 2, 2024