In Zhytomyr region, SBU issues suspicion to UOC clergyman over sermons

According to the investigation, the priest allegedly called on people to remain silent in response to the slogan “Glory to Ukraine!”
The Security Service of Ukraine in the Zhytomyr region reported a suspicion notice to a priest from the Korosten-Ovruch Diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, as announced on the agency’s website and the Zhytomyr Regional Prosecutor’s Office.
The investigation claims that during his sermons, the priest allegedly justified Russia’s attack on Ukraine and encouraged parishioners not to respond to the “Glory to Ukraine” slogan for ideological reasons, as he himself does. Additionally, the investigation asserts that the priest spoke disdainfully about Ukraine’s national heroes in one of his sermons.
The UOC clergyman is also accused of, in July, “praising the ‘Russian land’ in a church hymn (a sticheron to all saints of Kazan), referring to the aggressor country as his ‘homeland’ and urging believers to pray for it.”
Furthermore, the priest reportedly shared videos of his sermons on his personal social media account. The suspicion of treason was further reinforced by his reposting a video from a Russian propagandist.
The SBU reported that initiated expert analyses “confirmed the facts of the clergyman’s information-subversive activities in favor of the aggressor country.”
The SBU suspects the priest of violating parts 1, 2, and 3 of Article 436-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (justification, recognition as lawful, and denial of Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine, and glorification of its participants). The UOC clergyman faces up to eight years in prison.
As reported by the Union of Orthodox Journalists, the SBU has stated that the case involving Orthodox journalists has been submitted to court.